Vivian Ridge: The Muse Behind the Canvas

In the world of art and television, Bob Ross is a name synonymous with peaceful landscapes and “happy little trees.” However, few know about Vivian Ridge, the woman who once shared his life and, in many ways, inspired the calming presence he brought to millions of homes. This article delves into the life of Vivian, exploring her impact on Ross and the art world.

Early Life and Meeting Bob Ross

Vivian Ridge was born in a small town in Alaska, where the natural landscape would later influence her art and, subsequently, Ross’s. She met Bob in the early 1970s when he was stationed at a nearby military base. Their shared love for nature and art quickly blossomed into a romance, leading to marriage.

Vivian Ridge


Influence on Bob Ross’s Art

Vivian’s profound appreciation for the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness deeply influenced Bob. It is widely believed that it inspired him to incorporate serene landscapes into his paintings, often featuring snow-capped mountains and tranquil lakes mirrored the Alaskan scenery.

Moreover, Vivian’s approach to art, which emphasized simplicity and emotional expression, resonated with Bob. She encouraged him to adopt a more accessible painting technique, eventually becoming his signature wet-on-wet oil painting method. This approach set him apart from other artists and made painting more approachable for the masses.

Life After Bob of Vivian Ridge

Despite their deep connection through art, Vivian and Bob’s marriage eventually ended. However, she continued to lead a life as rich in creativity as the years she spent with Bob. She dedicated herself to her artistic pursuits, often exploring themes of solitude and introspection, a stark contrast to the joyous exuberance found in Bob’s work.

She also became an advocate for environmental conservation—a passion she shared with Bob during their marriage. She worked with several organizations to promote the preservation of natural landscapes, drawing upon her art to raise awareness and inspire action.

Legacy and Impact

Though Vivian Ridge and Bob Ross’s marriage did not last, her influence on Bob and his art is undeniable. Through her encouragement and inspiration, she played a crucial role in shaping the artist Bob Ross became. Her artistic and environmental endeavors are a testament to a life deeply connected to nature and committed to expressing its beauty.

In the art community, Vivian is remembered not just as Bob Ross’s ex-wife but as an accomplished artist and environmentalist in her own right. Her contributions inspire new generations of artists to explore the world around them and express their discoveries through art.


Vivian’s story is a poignant reminder of the unseen forces that shape our lives and legacies. Though she may not be as well-known as her ex-husband, her influence on him and the art world is profound. Her love for the natural world and dedication to artistic expression remain her most enduring legacy, which continues to inspire long after her time with Bob Ross.

In remembering Vivian Ridge, we are reminded of the myriad ways in which art and nature intertwine and how, sometimes, the most significant influences on our lives are those that leave the fewest traces behind.

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